Leader in Minimal Invasive Surgery

Dr Milos Bjelovic is professor of surgery and consultant upper digestive and bariatric surgeon.
High-volume surgeon, with good clinical judgement and skill in providing wide range of surgical procedures in the field of digestive surgery using open and minimally invasive approach.
Leader in the field of minimally invasive surgery.
Board Certified General and Digestive Surgeon
With Experience for More Than 25 Years
Consultant Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeon
Facing a New Frontier & Expanding Practice of MI UGI Surgery
Consultant Bariatric Surgeon
Providing Wide Range of Bariatric Procedures
Leader in the Field of Minimally Invasive Surgery
First President of the Serbian Association of Endoscopic Surgeons
Surgical procedures
Endoscopic procedures
in past 10 years
Dr Milos Bjelovic - more than 30 YEars in medicine
Director of General Surgery, Euromedik General Hospital, Bulevar Umetnosti 29, Belgrade, Serbia and Medical Director in Quality Assurance & Process Improvement/Standardization, Euromedik System
Serbian Association of Endoscopic Surgeons
Advisory Board Member
School of Medicine, University of Belgrade
Board Member
Serbian Society for Bariatric Surgery
Academic Council Member
Euromedik System
Chair of the Education and Training Committee and Executive Board Member
European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES)
Communication Committee Member
International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity (IFSO)
Dr Milos Bjelovic is Full Professor of Surgery since 2017.
Laparoscopic and thoracoscopic surgery is also called minimally invasive surgery, band-aid surgery, or keyhole surgery.
Advantages of minimally invasive surgery include:
A few small cuts versus a large incision
Less trauma to the muscles, nerves and tissues
Less bleeding
Less scarring
Less trauma to organs
Less pain and reduced use of narcotics
Less hospital time
Less effect on the immune system
And want to make top quality minimally invasive surgery safe and available
And feel responsibility for patients, patient family members and colleagues
And utilizing holistic approach, provide security and trust